Maria Montessori was a doctor of medicine, specialising in anthropology and psychiatry, who developed an educational approach based on scientific observation of the cognitive and psychological development of children at the start of the 20th century. The fundamental principle of her pedagogy is
« The child is not a vessel that you fill, but a spring that you let flow ».
It is about accompanying the natural development of children, to support them so that they can deploy all the forces that they already have within.
"We must dig down to the deepest mystery of human life; we must reach the nucleus of which all is formed, the apparent non-existing psyche of the new born child. He has the power to develop everything which is in Man. He creates a being who can orientate himself in the environment. Without language he learns to speak; without intelligence, he constructs it; he coordinates his movements and learns to walk; he becomes interested in things. Nothing existed. Everything has been constructed by him. In him we are confronted with the mysterious, miraculous fact of creation". Montessori, Maria The 1946 London lectures p.20

Toddler Community
18 - 36 months
Help me to help myself
We welcome children aged 18 to 36 months. Class is for 4 days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday either mornings 8h-11h45 or all day 8h-15h30.
Through the different Montessori activities, your child will be encouraged to do things for themselves, develop confidence and ability in practical skills, learn to care for themselves and the environment around them, and to develop their communication skills in both languages, English and French.
We focus on developing movement, language and independence, but also building a sense of community where everyone is important and respected. Children learn the rules of grace and courtesy, to treat each other with compassion, and to resolve conflicts peacefully.
The class room is thoughtfully designed to facilitate a toddler’s functional independence and to give her the freedom to move and is set up with all the materials according to the standards of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI).
Our nurturing community of trained teachers for children aged 18 months to 6 years old is committed to helping your child learn the skills that will help him thrive now and in the future.
Our Children's House welcomes children aged 3 to 6 years old. We have a mixed age class which includes 1 year of preschool and 1st and 2nd primary years. School is on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday either mornings 8h-11h45 or all day 8h-15h30. Preschool children can attend either just mornings 8h-11h45 or full days. 1st and 2nd primary aged children must attend full days.
Having created the foundations of their personality, three-year-old children arrive in the prepared environment ready to develop and perfect their abilities. They learn through real-life activities that support independence and self-efficacy; manipulation of objects to provide concrete sensorial experience and open-ended exploration leading to the refinement of their movements, sensory perceptions, language and the development of their intellect.
3 to 6 year olds thrive through opportunities to follow their own interests, freely choose their own activities, develop their capacity for concentration, and engage at their own pace their emerging powers of reason, imagination, and sociability.
Materials and activities are designed to support self-directed discovery and learning. They are organised around :
Practical Life activities that develop both independence and social skills
Sensorial activities that refine sensory perception
Development of Spoken Language, Writing and Reading skills and Mathematical activities that develop fundamental mathematical concept
Activities that reflect upon our human understanding of Geography, History, Biology, Science, Music, and the Arts
The Montessori trained teachers guide the children along this journey, helping them become well-adapted individuals, ready to take a positive, pro-social place in their world.

Children's House
3 to 6 years
Afternoon school activities
During the school year the children aged 3 to 6 years will have music class at Bulle d'Air, yoga at school and swimming lessons at Varembé swimming pool

Wednesday English class is for children aged 3 to 6 years from beginners to anglophones. The aim of our class is that your child has stimulating and fun activities in English. For beginners they will become interested and confident in an English environment, for those children already fluent in English it is a time to have fun, develop friendships and support their English knowledge. Activities include games, stories, movement, songs and music, art projects and outside play. Children must be toilet independent to participate.
Enrolment options are:
Full day 8h30-16h15
Half day 8h30-11h45 or 13h30
If you have any questions please contact us by email at contact@gtmontessori.ch or by phone +41 22 9209200.

Wednesday English class 3 to 6 years
Gymboree Summer Camp 3-6 years 2025
Gymboree camp is back this Summer !
You can register your child for mornings 8h30-12h or afternoons 13h-16h30 or all day 8h30-16h30. You can also pick and choose the dates you would like. Please find below the registration form to download, fill in and send back to us at contact@gtmontessori.ch
Growing Together Montessori school Rue Sonnex 23
1218 Grand-Saconnex
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 – 15:30